Thursday, May 7, 2020

Today's thoughts.

This has been one of the most epic years for me by far. Epic in the ways of changes. As I am sure it has also been for most people. In my personal life its been a time of loneliness and isolation even before the china virus landed. Divorcing my wife for good reasons. And starting a new life with Jesus and reading my bible. There is a lot of wisdom in there. Things have been peaceful and relatively stress free as of recent. In the midst of attempting to change things about how I operate in my personal life and business I am attempting to distance myself from social media platforms as I do not approve of the owners and the operations against USA citizens. And so I'm back to the freedom of a blog site.
As of recent I have had more dreams than ever before. I'm not a fan of dreams, would much rather rest and make my dreams come to true in the day time. Also being away from my Florida home this long has made me feel a bit displaced. But here at the Virginia home its a bit simpler, making a living and having some quality family time. Im so thankful to have my Mom in my life! So as usual today ill be out skateboarding and sharing my art from 6 feet away lol. I truly hope that America can get back to normal within the next couple years. But at the same time there needs to be a new normal. That is just the way growth works. 

                                                         This piece is called Hidden Love its on canvas with ink and acrylic paint 
Please let me know if you would like a limited edition print of this art! c: (540)355-9905

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